pt tap talk teknologi blog

Desain tampilan sebuah chat adalah salah satu hal yang seringkali kita sepelekan. Mungkin, Anda merasa desain chat tidak terlalu penting selama masih bisa digunakan dengan baik. Padahal, desain chat menarik adalah hal esensial yang sangat berpengaruh ke pengalaman pelanggan saat berinteraksi dengan bisnis. 

Sama halnya seperti live chat. Tanpa kita sadari fitur website yang satu ini telah menjadi aksesoris yang penting untuk bisnis. Meskipun live chat terkesan sebagai ruang untuk pelanggan menghubungi Anda, tetapi fungsi sebenarnya lebih dari itu. Live chat adalah tempat pengunjung situs web atau pelanggan dapat berkomunikasi dengan perusahaan. Chat dalam hal ini bukan hanya berupa live chat, tetapi juga In-App Messaging, dan lain-lain. 

desain chat menarik

Apakah Desain Chat Itu Penting?

Kita seringkali tidak menyadari peran sesungguhnya desain chat sampai akhirnya kita mendapati keluhan pelanggan.

Seorang pengunjung situs web harus dapat mempercayai agent yang mereka hubungi. Terbatas hanya bisa menghubungi via teks membuat pelanggan perlu merasa aman dalam memberikan informasi berharga mereka kepada Anda. Seolah-olah, mereka sedang dibimbing menuju solusi dari permasalahan yang dimiliki.

Data-data yang berhubungan dengan desain chat tentu termasuk data tentang pelanggan Anda. Siapa mereka? Apa yang mereka nikmati? Bagaimana mereka berkomunikasi dengan teman, keluarga, dan kolega? Ini adalah hal-hal yang perlu Anda catat dan pertimbangkan ketika mendesain tampilan chat untuk pertama kalinya.

Cara Memilih Desain Yang Menarik Untuk Desain Chat

1. Memilih Warna yang Tepat

Warna yang sesuai untuk jendela chat berperan penting untuk memberi kesan pada pengunjung situs web. Tapi mengapa warna berpengaruh?

Pentingnya warna dalam desain berasal dari pengaruh warna pada pikiran manusia. Tanpa sadar, warna digunakan setiap hari untuk menciptakan ide, mengungkapkan pesan, memicu minat, dan membangkitkan berbagai emosi.

Memilih warna untuk jendela live chat bukan hanya tentang memilih warna favorit. Sama seperti saat mendesain situs web, warna yang dipilih untuk jendela obrolan harus sesuai dengan dan memperkuat citra brand Anda. Jika kombinasi warna yang digunakan salah, jendela live chat bisa terkesan tidak profesional. Lebih parahnya lagi, seperti jendela iklan pop-up yang tidak memiliki kredibilitas.

2. Avatar Agent atau Gambar Banner?

Dalam live chat di situs web, Anda dapat menemui dua opsi saat memulai percakapan dengan agent. Ada yang menggunakan foto avatar yang mewakili wajah asli agent tersebut, ada juga yang menggunakan lambang tertentu di banner image atau gambar banner. Gambar banner dapat terdiri dari berbagai elemen, seperti logo perusahaan, foto stok, teks sambutan, atau kombinasi elemen lainnya yang dirasa sesuai dengan perusahaan. 

Gambar banner dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan. Hal ini menjadikannya elemen yang sangat multifungsi dari jendela live chat. Ini adalah pilihan yang bagus jika Anda memiliki tim desain untuk membuat gambar ini. Menggunakan gambar banner adalah pilihan yang tepat jika ingin memasukkan slogan perusahaan, atau teks lain yang tidak dapat digunakan bersama dengan avatar agent.

Jika tidak ingin menggunakan gambar banner, Anda dapat memilih untuk mengunggah logo perusahaan atau avatar agent ke jendela live chat.

Menggunakan avatar agent memberikan pengalaman live chat perusahaan yang lebih dekat dan akrab. Pengunjung situs dapat melihat dan membayangkan langsung wajah lawan bicara. Hal ini bagus untuk bisnis yang memiliki agent live chat khusus, atau membuat pelanggan bisa berkomunikasi dengan manajer akun tertentu.

Kustomisasi Dengan Jasa Chat SDK

Jika tidak ingin repot membuat live chat untuk situs bisnis, Anda dapat menggunakan jasa penyedia chat SDK atau In-App Messaging. Penyedia jasa ini biasanya menyediakan fitur kustomisasi untuk disesuaikan dengan brand

PowerTalk by akan membuat Anda terhindar dari segala kerumitan menyusun live chat dan In-App Messaging. PowerTalk memberikan pengalaman terbaik kepada pengguna dengan interface yang siap pakai. Bahkan, Anda dapat mengembangkan interface sendiri dan membuatnya berinteraksi sesuai keinginan menggunakan fitur Custom Interface.

Dengan PowerTalk, Live Chat dan In-App Messaging menjadi lebih dari sekadar platform chat. Anda dapat melakukan interaksi dengan lebih intens dengan pelanggan, bahkan mendapatkan data MAU, DAU, dan data Push Notification lainnya seputar interaksi dengan pelanggan menggunakan Chat Analytics.

Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? Kami siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda untuk mengenal PowerTalk lebih jauh. Yuk, hubungi kami di sini.

Pandemi global seolah memporak-porandakan dunia layanan kesehatan. Ketika IGD dan ICU tertatih-tatih diambang penuhnya kapasitas ruangan, tanpa kita sadari layanan kesehatan non darurat dan primer mulai goyah.

COVID-19 menciptakan urgensi baru untuk pelayanan kesehatan jarak jauh dan komunikasi digital. Tetapi, meskipun hampir setiap rumah sakit atau penyedia layanan kesehatan telah mencoba membuat layanan digital yang sesuai dengan HIPAA, tidak semua layanan digital dibuat sama. HIPAA adalah Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ACT (HIPAA), sebuah ketentuan untuk melindungi data pribadi pasien.

layanan kesehatan digital

Layanan kesehatan dapat dibilang adalah salah satu industri yang tertinggal di belakang dibanding industri lain dalam hal transisi ke proses digital. Hal ini sebagian besar diakibatkan karena tradisi interaksi secara tatap muka selama berabad-abad. Meskipun demikian, permintaan untuk layanan kesehatan digital semakin meningkat dalam dekade terakhir. Sebanyak 76% penyedia layanan kesehatan menawarkan atau berencana untuk menawarkan layanan telemedicine—peningkatan yang signifikan dari beberapa tahun sebelumnya.

Dalam artikel yang diterbitkan oleh Kontan, terdapat 15 juta pengguna yang mengakses layanan kesehatan digital pada pertengahan tahun lalu saat pandemi mulai menyebar di Indonesia. Survei McKinsey di Indonesia pada 21-30 September 2020 juga menemukan bahwa 65% dari orang yang telah mencoba telemedicine (fisik) berencana untuk tetap menggunakannya.

Sistem komunikasi yang berpusat kepada pasien adalah kunci untuk pengalaman dan hasil yang lebih baik dalam pengaturan layanan kesehatan jarak jauh. Di masa tidak menentu mengenai lockdown dan PPKM, telehealth memperkuat tempatnya di setiap sektor pelayanan kesehatan.

Bagaimana Beberapa Layanan Kesehatan Mencoba untuk Beradaptasi

Ketika pandemi ini bermula, banyak orang disarankan untuk tinggal di rumah untuk mencegah penularan virus. Akibatnya, banyak organisasi medis di seluruh dunia beradaptasi untuk memastikan bahwa pasien mereka terus mendapatkan perawatan, dan bisnis mereka tetap bertahan. Mereka dengan cepat beralih ke teknologi virtual seperti konferensi video yang sesuai dengan HIPAA untuk janji temu pasien dan obrolan langsung untuk membuat janji temu.

Beberapa rumah sakit di Amerika Serikat sudah mencoba praktik ini, berikut beberapa contohnya:

Contoh-contoh ini hanyalah beberapa dari banyak dokter non-darurat (bukan pekerja layanan perawatan darurat) yang telah menggunakan telehealth selama COVID-19 untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasien mereka.

Pasien dan dokter sebagian besar setuju bahwa kunjungan video dan layanan kesehatan digital positif dan sebanding dengan kunjungan tatap muka. 63% pasien dan 59% dokter melaporkan tidak ada perbedaan kualitas antara kunjungan video dan kunjungan kantor.

Secara lebih revolusioner, 53% dokter yang disurvei merasa bahwa kunjungan melalui layanan obrolan video lebih efisien daripada janji tatap muka tradisional. Jika kita kembali dan melihat banyak masalah yang sudah ada sebelumnya dengan perawatan primer dan non-darurat, layanan kesehatan digital membantu memecahkan beberapa diantaranya, termasuk waktu tunggu yang lama dan dokumen pasien yang berlebihan.

Keuntungan Apa Yang Akan Didapat Dengan Membuat Telemedicine?

1. Meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan pasien melalui direct chat

Anda bisa mendapatkan hubungan yang lebih baik untuk pasien Anda. Cara yang efektig adalah melalui direct chat dengan pasien Anda. Hal ini memungkinkan pemahaman yang lebih baik antara tenaga kesehatan dengan pasien Anda.

2. Konsultasi dan umpan balik yang mudah untuk pasien

Dengan telemedicine, pasien tidak perlu menunggu lama dan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk menunggu. Apalagi, mengantre dengan banyak pasien lainnya untuk sesi konsultasi. Telehealth memungkinkan pasien untuk menghemat waktu tersebut dan menjadikan umpan balik antara pasien dan dokter menjadi lebih mudah.

3. Menjamin keamanan dan kesehatan pasien

Di masa pandemi yang tidak menentu, telemedicine dapat mengurangi risiko paparan virus dengan mengurangi pertemuan tatap muka. Dengan turunnya jumlah pasien yang pergi ke rumah sakit, tentu rumah sakit harus berinisiatif dengan menggunakan telehealth untuk menjaga jumlah pasien non-darurat.

Apa Yang Dibutuhkan Sebuah Layanan Kesehatan untuk Menawarkan Layanan Digital?

Untuk mempraktekkan layanan kesehatan secara digital. Anda butuh menggunakan penyedia layanan untuk membantu Anda mengaplikasikan visi dari layanan kesehatan Anda. Menggunakan layanan Chat SDK merupakan salah satu cara untuk mempermudah pelayanan kesehatan digital Anda.

1. Chat dengan Fitur Lengkap

Akses yang lebih baik ke pelayanan kesehatan Anda berkontribusi pada hasil yang lebih baik. Akses yang lebih baik juga berarti pengalaman obrolan yang lebih mudah di berbagai perangkat. Chat SDK Anda yang sudah disesuaikan dengan HIPAA harus berpusat pada pasien, memungkinkan pasien untuk berkomunikasi melalui beberapa saluran sesuai keinginan mereka, dan memungkinkan mereka untuk menghubungi seluruh tim perawatan kesehatan Anda. 

Kenyamanan adalah kunci untuk layanan kesehatan digital yang berpusat pada pasien. Dalam membuat telemedicine, harus ada fitur riwayat obrolan pasien juga.Kemampuan sederhana seperti riwayat yang disimpan dapat membuat perbedaan signifikan dalam pengalaman pasien, menghemat waktu, dan menghindari frustasi karena mengulang informasi yang sama dengan agent baru. Adanya riwayat pasien yang dapat dilihat juga mempermudah Anda untuk mendiagnosis atau memberikan penanganan yang tepat.

2. Rich Media Messaging

Berbicara mengenai konsultasi kesehatan, akan cukup sulit jika tidak mengetahui secara jelas gejala atau insiden yang dialami pasien. Karenanya, butuh platform yang memiliki kemampuan  untuk mengirim gambar, video, dan audio. Hal ini tentu akan membantu mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih lengkap tentang gejala, dan memungkinkan pengiriman pesan untuk lebih menjelaskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan janji temu dengan pasien.

Solusi obrolan yang mendukung Rich Media Messaging menyederhanakan pengalaman pasien dan tenaga kesehatan dan menghilangkan ambiguitas komunikasi yang bersifat teks (text-only). Di masa ini, orang terbiasa berkomunikasi melalui pesan multimedia. Dengan mengakomodasi preferensi ini, Anda dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan layanan telehealth rumah sakit atau institusi kesehatan Anda.

3. Pemberitahuan pra dan pasca perawatan

Bayangkan jika Anda ingin merencanakan sesi konsultasi dengan dokter yang dijadwalkan 2 minggu kemudian. Tentu akan sulit mengingat tanggal tersebut dengan banyaknya hal yang terjadi dalam jangka waktu 2 minggu tersebut, bukan? Untuk itu, layanan telehealth dapat membantu pasien-pasien Anda dengan mengirimkan pesan pengingat. Pesan-pesan ini membantu pasien merencanakan waktu mereka, sementara juga menjaga fasilitas perawatan kesehatan untuk menjalankan jadwal tepat waktu dengan mengurangi risiko pasien yang terlambat membatalkan janji temu.

Pertimbangkan juga  faktor keamanan data pribadi pasien. Pasien akan mencari layanan yang menurutnya aman dan mudah. Salah satu layanan In-App Chat terpercaya di Indonesia, PowerTalk by dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan tepat jika Anda ingin mencoba beralih ke layanan digital.

Selain memiliki fitur esensial sebuah chat yang tentunya Anda butuhkan, menggunakan PowerTalk dapat mengurangi kerumitan riwayat chat dengan pasien. PowerTalk juga memiliki fitur Patient Contact List yang dapat mempermudah akses layanan kesehatan. Pasien akan merasa lebih nyaman jika tidak perlu mengulang informasi data diri setiap kali ingin melakukan atau mendaftarkan sesi konsultasi.

Bayangkan rumitnya mencatat histori pasien tanpa analitik. Tanpa analitik, Anda tidak dapat menilai performa Anda terhadap pasien dengan menyeluruh. Untuk itu, PowerTalk menyediakan Analitycs dan juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengekspor pesan. 

Selain itu, citra setiap layanan kesehatan tentu berbeda antara satu dan lainnya. Penting bagi sebuah layanan kesehatan untuk menjadi unik dan memiliki “kepribadian” yang membedakannya dari layanan kesehatan lainnya. PowerTalk memungkinkan Anda untuk dapat menyusun interface chat sesuai dengan citra layanan kesehatan Anda dengan Customizable Interface.

Dengan fitur-fitur yang disediakan PowerTalk, Anda akan dapat dengan mudah bertransisi ke platform digital.
Untuk mengetahui fitur-fitur lain yang disediakan PowerTalk, Anda dapat lihat di halaman kami.

There are many companies that can provide chat services if you are thinking of integrating chat features to your websites and applications. It is known that companies like Sendbird, Qiscus, Zendesk, and etcetera could be a solution to that. However, there is a new alternative chat SDK in town and that is In this article, we will tell you many reasons why you should consider as a solution and provide the service for your business.

UI Integration Feature

One of our advantages is being able to integrate a ready UI to your business websites and applications. sees countless and innumerable problems that can arise. For instance, small-medium businesses around us that may not have sufficient spending power to develop chat features starting from UI. Another example is those who want to implement UI with little time. This feature enables companies to implement a chat feature along with the User Interface (UI). In, the UI is built and designed with User Experience as its core by the companies UI/UX team.

With seamless UI integration in, companies will be able to implement chat features with ready-to-use UI in a short time and simple integration process.

Smart Local Cache

The smart local cache is another special feature of The smart local cache allows you to optimize storage usage and enhance chat performances. This feature will also cut down the size of your applications. This is made possible by cleaning all local data and cache of messages that are older than one month. But no need to worry, all messages can be accessed again when you need it because they are stored in’s server.

You don’t need to go through and think about all the painful processes to solve any problems because with, all of these features are built-in.

UI Customization — Including Chat Bubble

When companies want to chat services for their business, there are a lot of things to consider. Things like “Will your chat company’s UI be able to match my business’ personality?” or “Can your company provide the kind of chat bubble that goes along with our needs?”. With, the answer is YES. has UI customization which can be custom-tailored to your company’s brand and personality. knows that each and every businesses and organization have different personalities and uniqueness, not to mention the needs when it comes to chat bubbles. In, you can customize the color in our standard UI and insert your own custom bubble that your businesses need and correspond with your business’ flow and personalities.

These three features are why you should consider is a suitable solution for your business. Aside from these three, there are other benefits that your business can get if you use Features

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

Nowadays, many e-commerce and companies try to integrate a chat feature to their website or application. There are 2 ways for businesses to integrate this feature. One way is, they build the chat from scratch by themselves and the other is they buy licensing or subscription from a third party chat SDK provider.

Both these strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before the company integrate chat feature in their applications and websites. The advantages and disadvantages are related to various factors such as infrastructure, development cost, and development time.

Chat infrastructure — is very important when it comes to chat features. First, the chat infrastructure needs to accommodate personal and group chat based on its business model. Depending on the business model, the chat infrastructure also needs to accommodate attachment like images, files, videos, location, and many more. More importantly, the chat infrastructure also needs to have a reliable security system. The system must guarantee all data and information that are sent through the chat feature is safe and encrypted from anyone or any organizations that do no authority to see it. Price List

Development Cost — including server, technology, and investment on the employee. The economical factor is an important factor in business. It is a costly process when a business wants to add a chat feature in their applications and websites. Expenses could include server costs, employee salaries, employee benefits, technology costs, and maintenance costs.

Development Time — is all the time and processes that are spent to develop or create a chat feature. Development time will have a massive impact on any company’s business profit because the longer the development time, the greater the costs. Just as mentioned in the paragraph above, all the costs include; Expenses could include server costs, employee salaries, employee benefits, technology costs, and maintenance costs.

All these factors will affect any benefit that all businesses can get from either the strategy. If a business chooses to build its own chat feature, flexibility in terms of infrastructure will become the main benefit that the business gets. If a business chooses to subscribe to a third-party vendor, simplicity in terms of development cost and time will be the main benefit that the business will get.

At the end of the day, it really depends on whichever you think is effective and efficient for your business. We in, we provide the solution businesses who want to avoid all the cost and development time. Integration is as easy as A-B-C as all you need to do is just to put a few codes!

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

Some people call it chat-commerce, some may call it conversational commerce. The true meaning of it is, commerce that is based on the digital conversational platform between sellers and customers. This changes everything. Especially in a society where there is little trust between customer and seller, now we are able to interact when shopping online.

Many people can’t differentiate the difference between chat-commerce and regular e-commerce. Like what we already covered in the last paragraph; the main difference is that instead of customer buying on a platform and communicate with the vendors for support or complaints, chat-commerce includes all the personal communication that occurs between customers and sellers before, during, and after making sale transactions.


Chat-commerce also follows the trend development of the chat application. For instance, if we refer to the data that happen in Indonesia we can see how huge the potential is for the current chat industry and chat-commerce. Based on APJII (Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia), communication through message is the number one reason people use the internet. Chat application also is being used by 60 million small medium enterprises to sell their products, according to an article by Chris Franke.

Survey Result from Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia

According to the data above, communication is exceptionally and undoubtedly important in the industry of commerce. Data above also shows that in the future, chat-commerce is guaranteed to accommodate and smoothen communication between customers and sellers. team knows this for a fact and our mission is to help all e-commerce to implement chat features in their application or website with little investment and simple integration.

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

In today's world, communication represents a big part of business revenue. Many new e-commerce businesses are getting inventive regarding their strategy to encourage interaction between customer and seller, also between customer and company customer service. One of those strategies is using live chat. Live chat is believed will increase e-commerce conversion and improving the effectiveness in terms of cost and productivity. Live Chat already been implemented by many e-commerce globally with many functionalities, for example as a feature for customers to negotiate the price of the product or just to ask for questions about the application or website problem to the customer service.

PowerTalk chat User Interface

In theory according to, the average of e-commerce conversion rates are 1% to 2%, and these conversion rates can be improved using live chat. There are many examples that prove these statements, from the American Marketing Association that claimed chat in B2B companies able to improve their conversion rates by 20% to Virgin Airlines that claimed their conversion rate improved by 23% and average order value improved by 15% after deploying their chat.

Other than increase conversion, using the live chat also helping the effectiveness in terms of cost and productivity. According to Websitebuilder, live chat is 400% less expensive than the phone support way of customer service. This means the company can press the budget and allocate it to another area like marketing, branding, and many else.

PowerTalk is a simple and user-friendly chat SDK

We in believe that live chat feature is the future in e-commerce, where human interaction will be the key to the success of the transaction. PowerTalk will give the best experience in terms of chat with a reasonable price so every e-commerce, will different power of spending can feel this benefit of live chat.

Along with the growth of in-app chat and messaging usage, and the demand for in-app chat implementation, there are some SaaS emerged to provide in-app chat solution. Before PowerTalk and other chat solutions emerged, some companies might consider building their own chat engine, they need to allocate some resources to analyze, plan, design, and develop their own chat infrastructure, and integrate it into their apps. If you haven't read the comparison about build your own chat solution or use SaaS, please read our article about "Mobile In-app Chat Libary – Build or Buy?".

And next comes the big question, with some of the solution is ready on the market, which one that really suits you? And how would you consider to choose between the available choice? Let us help you get through what element you should see before making your decision.

1. What platform you need to support?

Some vendor provides a broad selection of platform and some of them provide a focused and targeted platform. See and plan what platform you want your product to support now and in the future, and choose a vendor that supports your chosen platform.

2. Is the library easy to implement?

SaaS chat solution vendor is providing not only a server-side solution but also the frontend. And how you can implement the frontend side is really matters, some of the vendors provide only the logic side of the frontend, but some of them also provide UI based implementation, depends on what you need, if you need more flexibility, go with the logic implementation, and if you want the experience build like a real messenger apps in a short amount of time, go with the UI implementation. Putting in the chat logic to UI in the frontend is sometimes understated, but it also time-consuming and has a lot of details to handle.

3. What customization do you need?

Some chat vendors are specialized in their product for some case driven purposes like customer services or live chat. Some made it for you to freely integrate it to your apps. The customization also goes beyond to customizing their UI library color, creating your own UI or interaction, until creating your own chat bubble for custom cases.

4. Did the library handle frontend logic and data optimization?

Frontend is the last layer that will interact with your user, and you need to keep it at its best performance and let the user have the best experience. Big mobile messaging app out there like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram is already setting up the bar, and in-app messenger with less feature or interaction below the bar will be taken as no good. In the chat framework, the hard work is not only handled by the server-side or backend, but so many heavy lifting and optimization are handled by the frontend side. Some of them like how data is saved, when we should flush the history so it doesn't make the app size bloated, how to load the room list or chat history in the best performance, how to give the interaction as best as big messenger apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram.

5. Did the library support the background process?

Mobile messaging needs to be very seamless, so many people use the messaging apps on the go - while they commute or driving, and sometimes they close the apps when they uploading an image, video, or files, or maybe when they have a bad connection when they send a message. Without the background process, this message will not be sent properly, and it will be frustrating for users because they need to re-check what message is sent and not and resend it, and also they need to wait for it to send before they can close the apps.

6. Are you need to send a transactional message to your user?

Sometimes when you integrate chat to your apps, you might need to send messages to users via your own backend-server, whether it is a transactional message like order status, or a message blast and announcement to your user.

7. Do they have any other additional features to offer?

Don't forget to see what other features outside chat main scope that offered, some features like profanity filter, chat throttle, dashboard analytics, and many other features.

8. The vendor itself might be the biggest things to consider

When you choose a SaaS vendor, the vendor itself is the biggest things for you to consider, most of all is how is their support, but there are some other things you need to see from the vendor such as:

We planned, designed, and developed all above feature you need in PowerTalk to give you and your user the best in-app chat experience, we provide you UI Based (TapUI) implementation so you can easily integrate a very good chat experience to your apps, or if you need more customization, you can use our logic-based implementation (TapCore), so you can develop your own custom UI and integrate our library to be work with it. But with our TapUI, you can do a lot of customization, from color, font, button function, and the best you can use your own custom bubble and make the interaction yourself.

The number of people using mobile messenger is growing really fast, with annual growth exceeding 15% and monthly active users more than 5.800 million users in April 2019. With this potential, so many startups initiate to put in-app chat to their own apps and delivering their user a new and better way to interact. Then the big question appears, should startup build their own in-app chat framework, or use ready solution for their apps?

So for this, let's take a look at some point, and so we can have a better understanding of what it takes to build in-app chat library, and or should we take a ready-to-use solution


So the first and most crucial thing to consider is time. Most startups need to innovate quickly and be agile to condition changes so the can stay afloat and rise against the competition. To build an in-app chat framework, there are a lot of things to do and so many crucial details to handle, and this means, building a chat framework will take a lot of time. Meanwhile having in-app chat ready in a few days will save startup a huge amount of time, and the faster you can deliver it to your user, the faster you can validate and test your minimum viable product.


The next thing to consider is budget while building a chat framework needs a lot of times, it means you need to maintain your resource for that amount of time, and having the operational cost to run for that length of time is obviously expensive. Besides the operational cost that you need to build the chat framework, you also need the cost for server hosting and maintenance after you deploy your chat framework.


When your in-app chat ready, of course, you still need to test and assure the quality, there are so many aspects to test in in-app chat framework, and to provide the best quality, you need to fix and improve the performance for your in-app chat framework, and continue the iteration. While when you use a ready-to-use framework, they might have tested and improved their solutions for years, and you just can use the solution at their best performance.


After all the points above, you will reach the time when you need to host and maintain your chat framework. How to keep your chat framework up and running, how to handle unexpected traffic, how to optimize your server, and so many other things. With ready-to-use solution, most come with a support and maintenance, and you can easily ask for help from the support if something happens.


Many ready-to-use solution comes with a library that can easily be tweaked for your needs, some of them provide a customizable user interface, and some offer a full code integration. Despite you need a really custom flow, we think most of the library in the market is offering enough flexibility.


In term of time and cost, building your own chat framework obviously take more time and cost, but if you need to cater a very custom possible case, you might need to build it on your own, but if you want a good, fast, and reliable chat, most of the framework on the market will save you a lot of time and money and help you iterate and validate your business faster to the market.

For PowerTalk, we prepared our library for you to use our complete and ready-to-use user interface, from room list, chat room, contact list, user profile, and many others. We design and maximize the performance of the apps, handle so many complex things - so you don’t have to, crafting that interaction to the micro animation, to bring out the best experience your user will feel. And the best thing of all this, you still can put in your branding inside it, you can custom every color of our component, change the font type and size, and so many other customization. Or, if you want more flexibility, you can create your own user interface, and use our library to handle chat and messaging purposes.


Reach us by phone at (021) 27939266

Business Park Kebon Jeruk blok C2-3, Jl. Meruya Ilir Raya no.88, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, 11620

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